URMS | About us
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Our 20+years experience allowed us to understand laws and regulations of each countries. We provide fast and reliable deliveries.


We spend time understanding our client's situation and we find solutions to work around obstacles to meet our clients requirements

Fast and Agile

Our experience allows us to work seamlessly in many part of the globe. We understand that timing is key and that's why we value it so highly in our culture.

“A diversified global supplier of raw material that link 26+ countries, 1000+ clients, 100+ workforce together under 1 single platform”

Who we are

URMS is a leading global supply chain platform with more than 20 years of expertise in managing the diverse portfolio of commodities in the raw material industry.
Under the leadership and management of the Formosa Group’s spirit in Taiwan we provide a complete solution on the supply of a full range of products with integrated pre and post sales services 24 hour a day, 7 days a week all around the year.
URMS is dedicated in providing our customer/partner with a high value personalized service with thorough understanding of every client’s requirement in details. Our business success is driven by our committed strategy of innovation and continuous operation improvements in SOURCING, MARKETING, SHIPPING & FINANCIAL solutions in conducting cross border raw material business in every corner of the globe.
URMS most prized assets are its network of people in the Industrial raw material chain of partners, suppliers, buyers and professional staff who embrace and uphold core business values & culture in the respective local community that we operate in. With a global presence felt in 26+ countries, 500+ buyers, 100+ staff and speed of information technology we bring together experts of the International raw material Industry under one single roof. This competitiveness with a cutting edge efficiency is the core quality that is offered to each of our partners in our daily operations.